Dog training packages

PLEASE NOTE we currently operate within a 10 mile radius of Bedford. Please see the map in our FAQ section. 

New puppy preparation. £120

For the expectant new puppy or first time dog owner to help you prepare for the first days and nights with your new pet into the first couple of weeks.

Setting up the right environment for your dog and helping them navigate through those early weeks can make all the difference to building a strong foundation with your dog and set them up for success in their new home. This package consists of 3 sessions:

  • An introductory 1 hour video call session to help you prepare for those first days and nights. Recommended before you collect your dog.
  • Two x 45 minute sessions to solve any 'teething' problems once your puppy is home and to begin some early steps in training valuable behaviours. 

The package will focus on:

  • House-training
  • Dog/puppy proofing your home
  • Puppy biting and chewing
  • Building your dog's confidence
  • Creating a safe space for your dog
  • Enrichment games 

Polite Puppy Package      £145

Already have a puppy but haven't started training? The early months of a dog's life have been shown to be a critical window for learning. The package covers many of the life skills your puppy will need to negotiate life in a human world but also help you to learn how your dog ticks and consider their outlook on the world.

Consisting of 4 x one to one, 45 minute weekly sessions in your home, each session will focus on building-up life skill behaviours and troubleshooting any issues that have arisen over the week.  You will also receive our complimentary puppy training starter pack to help you on your journey. 

Further sessions can be booked at the hourly session rate of £50. 

      Life skills to be introduced include:

  • Learning calm behaviours
  • Food and toy manners
  • Getting used to handling and being touched
  • Recall and attention skills
  • Loose lead walking

Payment for packages and individual sessions are payable at the time of booking and session dates are only provisional until agreement of the terms and conditions and payment have been received