Frequently Asked Questions : behaviour consults

Everything you wanted to ask about behaviour consultations.

Scroll through the FAQs to gain more information about our services and what they involve.

What does a behavioural consultation involve?

In a nutshell, it involves, a chat about the behaviour problem, based initially on the completed history form. All consultations take place in your home. By piecing all the information I need together, which can also involve observing your pet, I am then able to diagnose the root of the behaviour and the motivation behind it. I will then put together a treatment plan.  A full written report of what we discussed and the treatment plan breakdown will be sent within 5 days of the consultation.

How long does the behavioural consultation last?

This will depend on the type of behaviour problem, whether your problem involves multiple pets.  Typically, you can expect a consultation to last between 2-3 hours.  Multiple pet problems or dog aggression cases tend to take longer. 

What is inlcuded in the price of a behavioural consultation?

The price includes, the initial consultation, the detailed written report with the treatment plan breakdown, liaison with your vet where needed, as well as 10 weeks telephone and e-mail support (from the date of the consultation).  Mileage is included within a 10 mile radius of Bedford but is charged at 45p per mile beyond this area. 

Follow-up visits or additional private training sessions are not included but can be booked to help you succeed with the treatment plan. Private 1-2-1 sessions are currently priced at £50 for an hour. 

How long will it be before I see results?

The treatment plan advised may produce results very quickly, but often it will take time, effort and commitment from all the family to produce the improved behaviour. Always remember that your pet’s current problems may have developed over a long period of time. Following your consultation, further advice is available by phone and email as you progress.

For my dog, how do I work out whether I need a behaviour consultation or a training session?

Behaviour consultations are for any behaviour issue that wouldn't be covered in a dog obedience or puppy manners class. So a dog pulling on a lead could be rectified by a commitment to training, whereas a dog pulling on a lead, lunging and reacting to other dogs would need a behaviour consultation as there are other aspects bound up with walking on a lead that dog is finding difficult to cope with. 

You will find some examples of behavioural and training issues on the relevant pages about these services.

If you are unsure which service you need, please get in touch and I will be happy to advise. 

Why is a behaviour consultation more expensive than training sessions?

Many problem behaviours cannot be solved by obedience training alone if there are other factors that have contributed to the behaviour such as stress or an animal's environment. As behaviourists, it is crucial that we look at the bigger picture and for that reason, we need to conduct an in-depth analysis that considers the animal's emotional state, medical history, the motivation behind their behaviour, potential stress factors as well as physical or environmental triggers.  You are paying for expertise in this field as well the additional time needed to prepare for the consultation, the consultation and analysis, plus ongoing support and preparing a written report. 

Is it essential that I complete the history form?

Yes, the consultation can only be booked in once I have received your completed form.  The history form is a vital tool for behaviourists as it helps us to begin building up a picture of what may have led to and be causing the behaviour.  Without the information in the form, the consultation would become a much lengthier process because it helps me to tailor my questioning ready for the consultation. Detail is really helpful but please don't feel that you have to take a guess as this could alter the path taken to getting a diagnosis.

My pet has multiple problem behaviours, will I need a consult for each issue?

No. Some behaviours can be closely linked so it is important that you detail your main concerns that you would like us to consider in the form. However, it is always helpful to know which behaviour issue you feel is of the most concern so that we can address your needs, as treatment plans need full commitment from the owners.


My problem involves multiple pets, do I need more than one consultation?

No, only one consultation is needed if they are the same species. However, it is important to fill out a history form for each pet involved. 

If you are only concerned about one of your pet's behaviour and this problem does not involve the other pets in your household, then only fill out a form for the pet giving concern. If you are unsure, please get in touch and we can advise further. 

Why do I need a vet referral for a behavioural consultation?

Changes in behaviour can sometimes manifest as a result of an underlying medical issue or because of pain. This may be part of the bigger picture of why an animal might be performing certain behaviours. For these reasons, it is important to rule out any possible underlying medical causes for the behaviours before consulting a behaviourist.